Share your ideas

We need plenty of things to build at Hack Day, so we need ideas of what people want and would find useful. Please comment and share your ideas.

I’ll kick off with a couple:

1. A Twitter app which will send me a joke every hour or two. (This is what I’ll be building tomorrow.)

2. A small app which would let me post events to Upcoming which repeat, i.e. I want to put in the Farm meeting advert and set it to repeat every Wednesday until the end of January, and this app would work out the dates and send the events to Upcoming rather than me setting each one up.

Please comment with your own!

24 Responses to “Share your ideas”

  1. Tom Coady Says:

    Sorry this is not a very inspired idea but I’d quite like to work with SVN.

  2. Wayne Says:

    Something to do with Android or OpenMoko…



  3. Jez Nicholson Says:

    A web site where you can add geotags for web page that don’t have them, so that they can be mapped along with pages that do.

    Linking a PC-USB-external controller board with a remote control car controller….fitting a wireless webcam on top of the car….and having it controllable over the web.

  4. Tom Coady Says:

    How about using the neglected to send images to

  5. Jez Nicholson Says:

    Display ical feeds in ganttproject

  6. josh Says:

    i’ll reel some off for you guys when i get a minute :)

    i want a share (business/credit/financial/company) of these ideas if they’re built by the way!! seriously…

    1 )

    a site that has pages for tags, and aggregated content based on that tag. simple right? so…

    would compile content from, flickr, technorati, etc by searching for that tag… on to one page. much like zooming out planet bnm and applying it to anything.

  7. josh Says:

    2 )

    UGC content sales. this could be applied to something like mobiles. people create and upload their own mobile content (ringtones/backgrounds/icons/avatars/etc..) and then they can be sold online (and on a mobile site). boom, that’s a killer one.

  8. josh Says:

    3 )

    webcam scanner. mash it up with something like riya to do recognition maybe. but also qr codes. build it in flash would speed up development.

    user comes to the site, hits scan, webcam comes on. you then hold up the thing to be scanned, it reads it, if it’s data (qr) it’s stored and categorised appropriately. if it’s an image it can learn. you could do your library from isbn numbers maybe…

  9. josh Says:

    4 )

    silverlight. build *anything* in silverlight and it’ll be cool..

  10. Mat Says:

    a better Freecycle model that isn’t based entirely on email and uses a reputation system

  11. Mat Says:

    A nicer looking Mailman interface for a new BNM site!

  12. josh Says:

    OMG Mailman really really needs an overhaul! good idea…………

  13. Mat Says:

    Twitter interface that finds interesting people based on the frequency of key words in their tweets matched to yours

  14. josh Says:

    @Mat zoom that one out a bit ;)

  15. Mat Says:

    @Josh: Ummm, hang on just made that one up as i typed it!

    Ok You enter your Twitter name into one field and the site scans your tweets then looks for other people you might be interested in following by scanning everyones Tweets matching words together eg. Flash, Silverlight, PHP etc. etc.

  16. Mat Says:

    BTW I won’t be there tomorrow (me mums coming to visit and I don’t think she’ll be into it) but I’d like to see what people have built. I’m assuming Paul will be putting a list up on here somewhere?

  17. josh Says:

    @Mat: i was thinking more to apply the tool to twitter *and* other sites. a project that’s been in our list for a while…

  18. Mat Says:

    @Josh: great minds and all that! Where is this mythical project list I’ve heard you and Dave talk about?

  19. admin Says:

    @Mat – yup, I’ll try to link off to everything I can from this blog, and I’ll do a bit of shouting about it on BNM too.

    You should bring your mum along, I’m sure she knows some great jokes ;-)

  20. Mat Says:

    @Paul: My mum is rubbish at jokes but I know loads of mum jokes!

  21. Jane Says:

    A tool for maintaining a list of websites – like Brighton Bloggers for instance :-)

    It would need to record:
    - site url
    - rss feed
    - site name
    - description
    - tags

  22. Stamati Says:

    A content system for schools where pupils can create their own space and upload documents to share with their friends, the class, the school or the world – facebook for schools (runs on the school intranet so secure from outsiders).

    (I also like the better freecycle idea).

  23. Makoto Says:

    Idea 1 (Ruby on Rails).

    - Capistrano task dependencies visualizer.
    I use Capistrano deployment tool to install, configure, and deploy rails app, but often get frustrated when I do not know what kind of dependent tasks Capistrano runs when I run one task. I am wondering if there is a way to implment a script or task to show all the dependencies as you can do using rake with “-p” option.

    Idea 2 (Ruby on Rails)

    -Capistrano task recipe indexing tool or site.
    There are lots of people who wrote great gem for Capistrano tasks (eg: deprec, railsmachine), but it’s not easy to find what tasks each gem provide. It would be nice if there is a tool/website to search all Capistrano task related gems, and index all necessary information.

    Idea 3(OpenSocial/Google Gadget/JavaScript/Various API)

    - OpenSocial App to share your event plan using Google Map and calendar.

    It’s a bit like Dopplr(travel online site for frequent travellers), but more focus on your daily event around your home town. It might be fun if I can see who are going to which event all in one google map (so that we might just have a pint a later). It will be a plus, if I can extract data from API, but It might be a bit too ambitious to do them all in one day…

    Here are reference urls.

  24. Premasagar Says:

    If anyone is interested in doing their own mashup or Greasemonkey script with the BBC Bangladesh River Journey, I’ll be very happy to assist.

    It’s basically a mashup of Flickr, Twitter, BBC content and Google Maps and has its own API (documented here). Further info:

    I’ll be along a little after the start of the day and am also happy to help out with work on the Flickr API, Twitter API and anything to do with microformats…