What was built at Hack Day
Hack Day was great fun and people were working on all sorts of different things.
The Coding Dojo group made an adventure game in Inform 7 with additional hackery to integrate in a swipe card reader and drink temperature sensor. Jez has blogged about it.
Jamie Campbell made an on-line image compositor.
Tristan Roddis from Cogapp made a Facebook picture defacer, hopefully he’ll comment to say who helped him with the Flash.
Giles and Matt from Magpie worked on a Firefox extension.
Tom Morris hacked various social services for friends and friends of friends lists.
I (Paul Silver) and David Rosam made an app to send jokes through Twitter, with extra help from Alex Farran and Dave Stone on making it automated.
Stamati Crook was working on a social networking app for schools, with help from Stuart Conway.
Julian Blundell was working on a PHP based secure login system he’ll be open sourcing soon.
And I’m sure I’ve forgotten what several people were working on. Please comment with what you were working on, and if you’ve got more details to add to my snippets…
November 21st, 2007 at 5:28 pm
I was working on a replacement frontend for freecycle with Tom Coady – which I’ll finish either when time permits, or the next hack day I go to !
November 21st, 2007 at 7:00 pm
Images are here now I got round to tagging them properly:
November 22nd, 2007 at 6:58 pm
Thanks for a great day, Paul!
The people who worked with me on the Facebook app were Paul Perrin, Jonny Cross and Georges Panis.
You can see my post about hack day at
December 6th, 2007 at 6:03 pm
Looks like it was a great day Paul, thanks for organising it as part of the festival and I hope you run something similar next year.